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Toolbar+ 1.2

Toolbar+ 1.2

Toolbar+ Publisher's Description

Add new icons to the default toolbar!

With RNS:: Toolbar+ you can add new icons to the system toolbar (also known as command bar).
The customized toolbar / commandbar is available for all applications system-wide.
Together with the default Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste icons, you can have the following commands in any combination and in any order:
  • Beam - beam selected text to the Memo Pad application on another handheld.
  • Send - send selected text. You can choose means of transfer and destination.
  • Print - print selected text to a printer by the IR port.
  • Phone Lookup - use the Address aplication to find contact information.
  • Squeeze - remove double spaces, double tabs, and all characters <32 ASCII.
  • Indent - indent selected lines (used eg. in source codes).
  • Unindent - unindent selected lines (used eg. in source codes).
  • No HTML - remove HTML tags (all texts between the "<" and ">" characters).
  • Present - present only the selected text on full screen.
  • Go To - treat selected text as a hyperlink - dial a phone number, follow a web address or an e-mail address.
  • Upper Case - change selected text to the upper case.
  • Lower Case - change selected text to the lower case.
  • Capitalize - upper case the initial letters only (in each word). Lower case the rest.

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